Geomagnetic Auroral Electrojet (AE) index Home Page

Welcome to WDC for Geomagnetism,
Kyoto AE index service
The AE indices for 1988 (Jul.-Dec.) and 1989 (except for Mar.) have not yet been derived.
Version definition of AE/Dst index
- Real-time (Quicklook) AE index  
- Provisional AE index [1996 - ]
- Plot and download of final or provisional AE one min. value are
available from the page of
Plot and data output of the ASY/SYM and AE indices". [1975 - ]
- Plot and download of AE hourly value are
available from the page of
Dst and AE (Hourly Values) indices". [Jul., 1957 - 1975, 1978 - ]
- Monthly files containing hourly AE indices
in IAGA2002 like format [1957 - 1987]
- Monthly files containing 2.5 min.
resolution AE indices [1966 - 1974]
- On
AE index
[description in the Data Book No 25,
"Auroral electrojet indices (Provisional AE) 1992", 1998]
- AE
Observatories [under construction]
- List of papers using AE index